AGX supply Media for all products we sell ... Call us on 01256 741500 for further details.

APR Media : APR Medical Systems


     X-3154-EN-C      1000 CD and Wallets kit for APR-C

     X-3155-EN-D      1000 DVD and Wallets kit for APR-C

     X-APR-A-600-CD        600 CD and Wallets & 2 inks for APR-A

     X-APR-A-600-DVD        600 DVD and Wallets & 2 inks for APR-A

     X-APR-A-3INK-PK         box of 3 Inks for APR-A

Police Media : Lift-SP Products etc.


     X-LSP620-6X4        620 6x4 Media

     LSP300DPI6x4       Lift-SP 300 6x 4 media (800 total)

     LSP600DPI6x4       Lift-SP 600 6x 4 media (600 total)

     LSP600DPI6x9       Lift-SP 600 6x 9 media (270 total)

     LSPTRDPR8x22     Lift-SP TreadPrinter 8x 22 Media